mercoledì 29 marzo 2023


in 2.30 perform
21 c2b
21 db’s deadlift
max bbjo in the time remaining

rest 1′

in 2′ perform
15 c2b
15 db’s deadlift
max bbjo in the time remaining

rest 1′

in 1’30” perform
12 c2b
12 db’s deadlift
max bbjo in the time remaining

rest 1′

in 1′ perform
9 c2b
9 db’ s deadlift
max bbjo in the time remaining

RX 2 x 22.5 / 15
SCL –》
weight : 2 x 15 / 10
volume : 15-12-9-6
skill : pullup / elastic band strict pullup | bbsob